Thursday, February 5, 2015

Tits and Washing

I moved my washing the sheets day from Wednesday to Thursday. Oh the heady power!!!! Well, I did ask permission first, but still... slave power!

I was going to write a post about the great fun with had with beatings and sexins Tuesday, but I'm suffering from brainblogblock again.  So here's this instead:


  1. lol im glad im not alone in having set days for chores, my sheet day is Monday

    Nice pic, i wish i had your confidence with posting pics but im well im insecure about my self image, i did have a fair few bdsm pics posted when i first started blogging but i took them down...perhaps one day i might again.


  2. Have several more brainblocks, why don't ya! Lovely pic.


Have Yourself a Slutty Little Christmas

  Overall, I have been doing kind of badly, in terms of mood and getting anything accomplished beyond the bare minimum.  For a start, I came...