Sunday, April 5, 2020

Mean Mean Master

My Master was mean, mean, mean today.  He told me I needed to serve him, until he was satisfied, but I wasn't supposed to like it or get any enjoyment at all.  I wasn't in the sexy mood at all, but I did my utmost to serve him and make him happy anyway.  Until he started fucking me, then there may have been a teeny bit of enjoyment.  But not much, just the sheer joy of being of use to him.  There may or may not have been a puddle (of tears) under where he let me sit on the vibrator as I knelt on the floor and sucked his cock.


  1. Yikes! That's a tough one, serving without deriving any personal pleasure.


  2. We can be submissive, but not too much. Meekness can lead to ruthlessness.


It's been three years

  It's been three years, which seems both like a lifetime and a blink of an eye.  I still feel the heavy weight of the unfairness that a...