Saturday, November 14, 2020

Very Wrong Thoughts

 I know we all have thoughts that seem Very Wrong Indeed.

I heard in the news about Sean Connery before he died and his unapologetic support of abusing women and I thought "Wow, he's a dick, and he seemed so nice in that one Indiana Jones movie".

But then my second thought was  "I'd pay good money to get slapped by Sean Connery".


  1. Won't lie... I was right there with ya!

  2. This is why we love you. 💜💜

  3. yeah it's tough, it's jarring, it messes with your mind. i mean Michael Jackson music is still good, right? The Cosby Show is still a good show, right?...


It's been three years

  It's been three years, which seems both like a lifetime and a blink of an eye.  I still feel the heavy weight of the unfairness that a...