Tuesday, June 29, 2021

TMI Tuesday

 1. What’s the most stressful thing in your life right now


2. True or False. The best way to get over an ex is to get under someone new.

I have no idea.  I think it's ok for some people, but not others. 

3. Is rebound sex empowering or does it leave you feeling lonelier?

I have no idea.  I have never done that. 

4. Would you rather watch porn every night forever or never watch porn again?

Never watch porn again. I barely watch any now.

5. Would you rather go to bed alone forever or share a bed with someone forever?

Share a bed forever. Sniffle.

Bonus: You must pick one and explain. Would you rather your mom or your ex set up and run your dating apps?

What ex?  I don't know, of course I will pick neither because I've never done a dating app. 

I guess these weren't the best questions for me personally.

However I got fucked with a giant stick today, so that was fun. 


  1. Interesting questions as always Ancilla. I think Nos 2 and 3 could go either way and I'm with you on 3 and 4. Don't like either option in the bonus question lol


  2. i am so sorry about your cancer, my friend. here's to the Green Fields of France.........and the green fields of Wimbledon...


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