Sunday, March 13, 2022



 1. Under what circumstances would you fake your own kidnapping?

I think this sounds like way too much trouble.  What if I just fake baking a cake?  Look, I have a cake! I have baked it!  

(just kidding, there's no cake)

2. Do you feel you belong?

Oh, yeah, probably.  The pups have accepted me as one of them. 

3. In your life, what is a fun thing you did that you will never do again?

Ice skating.  It was fun when I was in my 20s, but I tried again a few years ago and it just made my feet hurt. 

4. Do you listen to your inner voice?


5. What can you hear?

Right now, out loud or from my inner voice?

My inner voice says I should go watch that Last Kingdom show.  Out loud I hear a bunch of dogs walking around the house.  Click, click, click...

Bonus: Do you know yourself?

Yes, better than I know anyone else.  

I gave away his coat today

 My Master left me an unofficial will, or list of things to give away, in addition to having a regular lawyer-approved will. It's taken me this long to even get in touch with one of the people on his list. It's really hard to face that he's not going to be using these things anymore. Some days I just feel like he's gone on a really long trip and I'm sick of it and I just want him to get back already, although my head knows that he's really not on a trip.

Master used to work with a guy who never had a proper winter coat. He would only buy a cheap one every year, because of not having money, and then it would fall apart by the time the next season came, not really having kept him warm. Master told me to give his good winter coat to this man. They hadn't worked together in several years and hadn't really been in touch. It's a really poofy LL Bean one, the highest cold rated coat they make, a real Wisconsin winter coat and it should last a decade.

We were originally going to meet for coffee but I have a cold (not covid, I tested) and didn't want to give him that too, so I said I'd just meet at a parking lot and give him the coat. We were wearing masks. He grabbed me and hugged me for a really long time. I know they were good friends but I didn't expect so much emotion in a hug.

He asked how I was doing.

"Oh, you know..." I trailed off.

Each thing is like a mountain.

Made a new friend

  This friend has nine tails and is a cat that doesn't meow:    I visited Dr. Peter's for lunch and this surprise was waiting for me...