Wednesday, August 25, 2021

TMI Last Tuesday

 1. What did you do on your very first date?

Holding hands and kissing. 

2. Which gift would you like to receive most from your significant other:

a. $10,000 Diamond

b. $10,000 vacation

c. $5000 in cash

The vacation, as long as he was feeling good enough to go with me.  

3. Fill in the blank:

The day I get/got married _____ .

Was a beautiful day. 

4. What is the first thing your significant other notices about someone attractive walking down the street?

Probably boobs

5. Which adjective category best describes you?

a. Sophisticated

b. Down home, down to earth

c. Sensuous

b, down to earth

Bonus: What is the worst thing you or someone could eat in bed?

A horse's head.  

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Let's get NEKID TMI

 1. What are your thoughts on public nudity or skimpy clothing?

I think it's fine. We all have bodies.  What's the point of hiding? The tease? 

2. Which of the following best describes you:

a. Exhibitionist

b. Voyeur

c. Keep nudity and things sexual behind closed doors

Probably a and b, although I'm not into the secretly spying type of voyeurism.

3. What is the most revealing outfit that you have ever worn in public?

Two piece bikini when I was like 20.  If you don't count skinny dipping or kink events.  If you do count those, then naked as a jay bird.  Are jay birds naked? Do feathers count? If not, then all birds are naked.  How about naked as a mole rat? 

4. There are only two types of beaches left in the world–clothing optional and must be clothes-free. Which beach will you visit?

Clothes free sounds fine

5. You have just gotten out of the shower to find that your towel is hanging outside on the clothesline. Your house is full of guests. Do you:

a. Call out for someone to bring your towel.

b. Use something else to dry yourself.

c. Retrieve your towel as inconspicuously as possible wrapping it around you at the earliest chance.

d. Take advantage of the sunshine and dry yourself au naturale in your backyard.

It depends which guests, but in general I'd call someone to get the towel for me so as not to flash unsuspecting guests.  

Bonus: Have you ever skinny dipped or visited a nude beach? Pictures would be awesome!

Yes, both.  I don't think it's good etiquette to take pictures at a nude beach.  

Sunday, August 1, 2021


 Yesterday I ventured out to a munch for the first time since approximately (or exactly) January of 2020.  It was really wonderful to see everyone that I haven't seen in so long, and also a lot of new people came who had either moved to the area or traveled across the state to be there.   A new munch group is forming so that is exciting.  My Master was not feeling good at all so he didn't go (he was going to be at work if he hadn't been barfing that morning).  

I went with DrPeter, not that I couldn't go alone, but it's more fun to go with someone, I think.   I also got a caning, and it had been a long dang time since we did that together.  I think that was part of the reason I woke up around 4 am with a case of subdrop (I guess that's what it was, anyway, I was sad and crying until my Master came back to bed and held me for a long time).   

Covid is low in our area right now, but if it starts to rise again (I'm pretty sure that will happen after watching the rest of the country in the past two weeks) I probably won't be going to munches. We'll see, I guess.   Everyone in my family got the shots, but it's not 100% effective, only very effective.  

Made a new friend

  This friend has nine tails and is a cat that doesn't meow:    I visited Dr. Peter's for lunch and this surprise was waiting for me...