Overall, I have been doing kind of badly, in terms of mood and getting anything accomplished beyond the bare minimum. For a start, I came back from my family Thanksgiving trip sick and was dragging with low energy from that. There is so much darkness this time of year, and so much darkness in politics and the news. I've really been missing my Master, and thinking about playing and sex and thinking about doing something about that thought but then not actually calling anyone or seeking out play in any way.
Like it's just going to fall in my lap, as a surprise, right?
Tuesday night was extremely nice. I have joined a knitting club, or a loose (not that kind of loose) association of crafters, anyway. Mostly women, but not all women. Tuesday was the regular get together but also the Christmas party, so first we went to a bar (don't all knitting groups start this way? maybe only in Wisconsin). I had the best drink, which I highly recommend, although I do not know how to make it. It's called Spanish coffee and it's salty and sweet and alcohol laden, and creamy and beautiful. The ribbons of cream float down the clear glass through the coffee like diaphanous jellyfish tendrils. Also it involved fireballs in the glass because we were at a fancy place.
And then at knitting people brought samosas and cookies and strawberries. Another person played Christmas songs on a violin and we all sang along as best we could. And we knitted. It was thoroughly enjoyable and cozy.
Today I had my grief meeting, and then we had planned a group sauna a couple hours later. It was snowing and I didn't want to drive all the home and back, and I needed lunch. I didn't feel like eating in my car alone, so I called Dr. Peter, who lives near there, thinking he was probably busy, but he wasn't and he did want to eat with me, so I picked up some food and took it to his house. As we ate we talked about playing, and he suggested we could do it right away! I thought for about one millisecond and then knew that was exactly what I wanted. Surprise!
He has an all new house, moved into not that long ago, so finding the implements was the first thing, while I undressed in the basement. It was warm compared to most basements, and quite cozy with thick rugs and many bookshelves. While I was waiting I perused the titles on the shelves, which is one of my favorite things to do at a book lovers house. When he located the bags of canes, he had me kneel on a towel on the couch and he warmed me up with the floggers. The first one was soft and friendly, and the second one was heavy and thuddy and began to heat me up.
He stepped away and then stroked my back lightly and sensually with a cane, bringing a delicious anticip...
the cane strike was familiar and yet so long ago I was almost starting to forget the feeling. It had been months, years, whatever, a very long time. The whippy little one to the whangee to the thuddy Australian it was all wonderful.
Afterward we went up to bed and got under the covers, and I gave him some pleasure too. It was so nice and cuddly I didn't want to get up for a long time. It was past time that I was supposed to be in the sauna so I did bolt for my clothes and zip away in an undignified way when I realized the time (and with a very inappropriate number of good byes for Wisconsin- we normally require 10 minutes of good byes at least). But I felt bad leaving people waiting for me.
The sauna was great, with the snow outside it was made even better being so warm and roasty in the little building. We kept going in and out, getting cold in the snow and back to the heat. My head was really buzzing by then. With the play, and then the heat, I felt quite "high"- although I didn't take any drugs I felt like I had. I assume it was the endorphins.
So, all in all it was an extremely good day and I'm feeling a lot more like Merry (Slutty) Christmas to everyone!
Merry Christmas!!! knitting club sounds so relaxing, I see myself crafting wool socks, all my socks have holes in them. I need a sauna in my bedroom after I write, my back is killing me. Spanish coffee sounds divine, I'm getting into Abuelita Mexican hot cocoa again for the wintertime. and then there's that Kraken Rum with that terrifying kraken-tendril glass you have to drink it from...wink wink...
ReplyDeleteI think socks are an advanced project. I'm pretty beginner-ish, I'm making an octopus. The reason it's not advanced level is you don't have to be able to wear it, so if it's a little irregular, well, that's how octopuses are.
DeleteMerry Christmas!