Wednesday, November 25, 2020

101 Ways this Year Sucks

 My Master crashed his car yesterday on an icy highway.  He was lucky to walk away unhurt, but the car is totaled.  The almost paid off car.   A really nice man gave him a ride home, which I'm sure was really out of his way.  I was trying to drive down there, but after two cars went off the road right in front of me, I turned around and went home.   What a day, yikes. 


  1. Oh my goodness Ancilla, how scary! You have been through so much already this year. So glad your Master was unhurt.


  2. Omg, I hate that so much. I'm so sorry. Yeah, glad your Master wasn't hurt, but still... Damn.


Red Wine Supernova

Another song has been been bringing back memories for me.  This is a post from 2013, slightly re-written because I couldn't help it.    ...