Friday, November 13, 2020

TMI Tuesday


1. Do you post sexy pics of yourself on your blog? Why?

Yes, sometimes I do, if I have any new ones.  I would post them because my Master likes me to do so.

2. Have you ever had sex when you suspected security cameras might be present but the passion was too hot to stop or care about being caught on video?

Hmm, I don't think so.

3. Have you ever had sex knowing full well you were being filmed or pics were being taken?

Does being at a kink event count? If it does, then yes.  If not, then no.

4. When it comes to sex, to which do you most relate–being an exhibitionist or a voyeur?

I think probably voyeur.  I do kind of like watching others play or have sex, but only if they know I'm watching. I'm not interesting in being a sneaky watcher.  

5. Have you ever sneakily or overtly filmed or taken pics of others having sex? What did you do with the evidence?


Bonus: Hot or not–having sex in front of people?

Yes I have done it, definitely hot. 


  1. Interesting questions and I enjoyed reading your answers. I'm not much of an exhibitionist and would never film others, definitely not secretly.


  2. yeah i was part of the HNT community which was HUGE here at blogspot like 10 years ago before everything got swallowed up by Instagram. but there's only so many skinny caved chests and whip cream to go around...

    1. I don't know what HNT is. This is what google helpfully found for me: Health Net, an American health insurer
      Homeless Not Toothless, an American dental organization
      Hoover Nature Trail, in Iowa, United States
      Hosted NAT traversal
      Huntly railway station, in Scotland
      Huntsworth, a British public relations company
      Neurotrimin, a protein

      I'm still resisting getting an Instagram. Maybe if telegrams come back.


Red Wine Supernova

Another song has been been bringing back memories for me.  This is a post from 2013, slightly re-written because I couldn't help it.    ...