Saturday, September 24, 2022

TMI Tuesday: Hairless and Sexless

 1. If your chest is hairless would you have a chest hair transplant?

That's funny, because no I don't want chest hair.  I prefer less chest hair for men too.  

2. Are you the center of attention at parties?

No, I'm pretty introverted.

3. What libido-boosting foods do you believe in and use?

I don't believe in this.  I think heavy foods can make  people too loggy to be interested, but just eat lightly if you want to have sex later.   Unless it's chocolate.  Chocolate definitely boosts libido.  Bring me all the chocolates. 

4. Do you ever get tired of talking about sex?

Yes, I'm totally tired of writing and thinking about sex.  My mojo is gone.  

5. How do you think your attitude toward sex differs from your partner’s attitude?

Currently without partner.  


  1. Enjoying reading your answers to these. Totally with you on No's 1 and 3.


  2. Thank for playing again.


The Pink Pony Club

 In the past day I have become obsessed with this song: I can't stop listening to it, and when I do have ...