Wednesday, January 29, 2020

TMI Tuesday

Facebook thinks it was my birthday yesterday.  I kept changing my listed birthday on there (to keep them from knowing my real one- the company, not my friends) but they finally told me I have changed it too many times and I'm stuck with that one.  It makes me very uncomfortable to have 100 people wishing my happy birthday when it's not even my birthday.  And then there are the couple of people with really good memories who know my real birthday is in July and they are posting confused messages.  Anyway, I have no real point as my brain is a rambling, aching, soggy mess. 

And also, here's TMI Tuesday:

1. in a D/S relationship (dominance & submission), what do you enjoy most?

Umm, being dominated? Is that too obvious?

2. what do you want people most to know about D/S relationships?

Which people? I think most people here enjoy or at least appreciate this type of relationship or they wouldn't still be reading my blog. People in general- I wish they would appreciate that it's not abusive for one person to be in charge as long as it's agreed on and consensual.

3. for you, does D/S need to have a sadist and masochist component?

Yes. I'm a masochist so that's a big part of sexuality for me.

4. for you, does BDSM have to involve sex?

It doesn't have to, but I do like sex with BDSM.

5. if you are in a D/S relationship, why do you need it?

I just like it.

6. if you are not in a D/S relationship, would you like to be?


BONUS: what is the relationship between trust and vulnerability?

I think you need to trust someone before making yourself vulnerable to them.

Monday, January 27, 2020


It totally eludes me. I went from one bad cough, to a week or so of "ok" to a horrible stomach virus and then as soon as I got rid of that, the next day I have the sniffly nose back again.  I'm sick of sick!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

No Limits Slavery

I was talking about my Pokemon game (again) to my Master, and was saying maybe one day I would save up enough coins to buy my character some new cute outfits, but I wasn't sure if that would ever happen.  You can either get "Pokemon coins" in the game by playing, or you can send them actual real money into it and get everything much faster, and a lot more of it.  Except for the occasional birthday when he's let me spend a couple bucks on it, for me it is always the slow way, so I just have enough coins for the items I need to play the game, no extras for outfits yet.

He started telling me this little story: "One day maybe you will have a kind Master who will tell you to spend all the money you want on the cute outfits for your in-game Pokemon character, and he will insist on giving you as much as you need to make your character fully outfitted."

I said something like "There would be no limits. That sounds like the kind of No Limits Slavery I want". 

He looked balefully back at me: "I don't know about that."

If you haven't seen this SNL, it was exactly this tone:

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Friday, January 10, 2020

Back in the Swing

My diet had really fallen off over the holiday, with sweet rolls, and cake, and many many cookies.  Every few days I would try to get back to it, but then something like brownies would magically appear, or a whole box of Honey Nut Cheerios (ok, the last one wasn't magic, I bought it for myself).   I was really worried about going back to a WW meeting; I'd been skipping them for one reason or another every week since before Christmas.  I was worried what the scale would say.

Last night Master told me it was time to start going to the meetings again, so this morning I dragged myself over there in full dread of seeing a couple pounds reappear that I had struggled so hard to get rid of.  

But I'd only gained 0.4 lbs, which I consider a big win!  I'm reving up my commitment to tracking my foods again.  

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

TMI Tuesday

1. What is the most useless thing you know how to do?

I can turn my tongue upside down.  This is completely useless but it entertains me. 

2. Do you use sex to relieve stress? How?

No, not really.  For one thing, because I don't get to decide when we have sex.  Also, stress tends to make me feel uninterested.  Although, it does make me more relaxed afterward.

3. What sex act or position did not thrill you until you tried it?

All of them?  Before I had experienced things, I didn't feel thrilled by much.   

4. What is the most unusual but fun sexual encounter you have had?

The most unusual recently was meeting a few people we only knew slightly wayyyyy out in the woods at night for some kinky fun.  

*5. What is something that can happen in the middle of sex that will make you put on your clothes and walk out?*

That's not going to happen because my Master wouldn't allow it.  Can you say "Ass beaten in a most unpleasant way"? 

Bonus: What was a random compliment that someone gave you that really stuck in your memory?

I can't think of any random compliments that stick in my mind. 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

New Year, Same Old Me!

I don't intend to make any resolutions again this year.  I would like to hop back on my diet which has been going very badly the last few weeks (holiday food is too tempting, plus I've been making French bread). 

We went to our "vanilla" friends' New Years Eve party and I had a really fun time. 
I put vanilla in quotations because only some of them are vanilla.  Some of them are people we know go to the same BDSM events we go to. 

Once I ended up in a rather one sided conversation with a rather sad drunk man.  I've known him for years, but he always forgets my name. I think he drinks too much, even when it's not a party, which is why I keep having to reintroduce myself, but I'm not really in his life, so I don't know, I usually only see him at New Years.   I feel bad that he's not happy though because I've always found him a likable sort of person.

The other weird thing was when I saw a group of people playing Cards Against Humanity I asked if I could join in (there is only so much eating and small talk I can do) without really considering who was playing.  In a few minutes I realized all of them were my kids' ages, so that was a bit uncomfortable, given the cards you have to read out are not at all PG rated.  Then my kid joined in!  Well then.  That was a thing that happened.  I still ended up laughing myself into coughing fits over some of the card answer choices.  My Master was falling asleep in a corner, meanwhile.  He doesn't like that game at all.

   The younger kid started out the evening hiding with his laptop but then he found a group of teens his age and by the end of it seemed to be having a grand time of it. 

I had a couple of small glasses of mulled wine and a splash of champagne, but no drunkeness or hangovers for me.  Master drove us home and I slept most of the way, getting in at about 2:30.  


My Christmas present to Master was these two custom floggers he wanted.   They are really nice and heavy, extra thuddy.  He's tried them out on me a few times already.

Made a new friend

  This friend has nine tails and is a cat that doesn't meow:    I visited Dr. Peter's for lunch and this surprise was waiting for me...