Thursday, April 16, 2020

Tuesday TMI

1. As the world deals with covid-19, are you masturbating more?

No, I have lost all my desire to masturbate.  Unless my Master starts things up with me, I don't feel like sex at all most of the time. I guess it's the anxiety? 

2. With stay-at-home orders and lock-downs, are you able to have more kinky fun at home?

Kinky fun at home is about the same amount as it was before. My Master is still working the same hours.

3. Do you think you are watching more porn since you are home more?

I haven't watched any porn at all.

4. Fill in the blank. “I am so sick of _____ .”

Being scared.

5. If this is your first time having an outside job with which you are now working from home, do you think you are more productive now versus when you were at the office?

My "job" is in the home and also taking care of my sheep, so that is the same as ever.  With lambing and spring, the farm takes up a lot of my time, so I'm super productive that way. Not making money, but keeping busy.  Some dog trial people have invented a way to do virtual trials where we set up courses at home and then video tape ourselves and post them. That has been entertaining and fun and keeps my mind actively trying to work out (non-critical) problems.


  1. Interesting questions and I can relate to a few of your answers, anxiety and fear over the unknown and things outside our control are high. Love the virtual dog trials, what a great idea!


  2. if no vaccine, two more years, that's insane. how are you and the fam holding up under quarantine?


The Pink Pony Club

 In the past day I have become obsessed with this song: I can't stop listening to it, and when I do have ...