Monday, May 11, 2020

TMI Tuesday

1. How replaceable are you?

Not at all.

2. Does jealously have value in driving humans to improve themselves or is it a purely negative emotion?

I don't think of it as positive or negative.  I think you can make it negative by how you handle it.  I have a very deep aversion to using jealousy to try to "improve" someone though, it just really squicks me out and I think it would lead to the more negative sides of jealousy.

3. A section of your life’s memories needs to be erased, which era will you elect to have erased? a. childhood memories – age 3 to 12 b. teen and young adult years – age 13 to 23 c. adult – age 24 to 35

That would definitely be 3-12.

4. With no laws or rules to influence your behavior, how do you think you would behave?

Well, isn't that a pertinent question this week?  It turns out the answer is "about the same".  

5. Does anonymity encourage people to misbehave or does it reveal how people would choose to act all the time if they could?

You don't have to face the social consequences of bad behavior if you are anonymous.   

Bonus: In the time of coronavirus pandemic, what are you rocking–homemade face covering or manufactured mask?

I have two masks that my Master made for me.  I alternate wearing them.


  1. Interesting questions Ancilla, especially the first one. Is anybody replaceable? I enjoyed reading your answers.

  2. Guy Fawkes is a helluva drug. these questions were fire, I felt I was back in Philosophy 101 at Berkeley, late to class cos my Frappuccino frosted my lips shut

    1. That no laws one made me think. I would like to change my answer. If there were no traffic laws, then "no cop, no stop" would just become "no traffic oncoming, no stop".


The Pink Pony Club

 In the past day I have become obsessed with this song: I can't stop listening to it, and when I do have ...