Monday, May 25, 2020

The State of the World and the State of Our Relationship (TW)

This is somewhat too much. 

When the world is frightening, I feel like grabbing a little safety for myself by imposing hard limits.  There is too much real fear.

When the world and people in it seem out of control and deliberately trying to endanger the country, I feel like grabbing back some personal control for myself.  There is too much real chaos.

When there are so many restrictions on things I can't do any more, imposed by the larger society, I feel like I need the freedom to choose when to wash the sheets and how much toilet paper I can use.   There is too much real outside restriction.

Most frightening of all, I fear most for my Master's health. He's working with many people every day with inadequate protection measures.  He's got several health risk factors for worse outcomes from covid.  Our state is not even close to the peak of where this disease is going, and we've opened it up again (thanks, Supreme Court assholes) and people are acting like the plague is over.   The fear is like a hard ball in my stomach that never goes away.  If I lost him, I don't see how I could go on.   The worst is feeling like I need to take back some real autonomy. 


  1. (((Hugs))), it is a very scary time. Hang in there.


  2. OH gosh i'm so sorry. It really does suck looking at the world around us right now.

    I guess we all just have to do whatever we CAN be control of, and pray for the best for those things we have no control over...

    Stay strong!

  3. I totally get it. Hang in there. We're all kinda in that same place now.


The Pink Pony Club

 In the past day I have become obsessed with this song: I can't stop listening to it, and when I do have ...