Wednesday, October 28, 2020

TMI Tuesday

 1. Favorite form of adult pajamas: Kimono, soft pant, romper or Winnie-the-pooh style?

I love a kimono. The closest I have is a silk robe, but instead I wear my plush robe for warmth.  But only when wandering around the house, not to sleep. I don't wear pjs to sleep.

2. What time do you wake-up in the morning?

Somewhere between 5 and 5:30, because I can't sleep, not because I'm going anywhere most days.

3. Your favorite chore to do is _____ .

Feeding the sheep.  It's peaceful most days.

4. Least favorite chore to do is _____ . Why?

Cleaning the stove. It is hard, it sucks and it never gets really clean.

5. Tell us about a home-cooked meal that you cannot forget.

Biscuits and sausages that I made for me and Master this morning. 

Bonus: Is tired the new norm?

I don't know. Maybe that's just stress.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Need a Little Bell

 I usually wake up a couple hours before my Master on weekends, and I come downstairs to drink coffee and surf the internet.  When he comes down he usually wants tea and breakfast, but some mornings, like today, he just wants to drag me back into bed for sex.   

Today he told me he was just lying in bed debating what to do for a  time.  Masturbate?   Hope that I would sense his need from across the house?  Get up and come find me?  Yelling isn't an option since it would wake the kid.  Lucky for me, he chose coming to find me (my favorite).

I told him he needs a little bell ala Downtown Abbey so he could summon me without having to leave his bed.  

That would be kinda hot, right? 

Monday, October 12, 2020

TMI Tuesday: Eclairs!

 1. Name a food or drink you could never live without. 


2. Name a food or drink that you think should never have graced this Earth.

Black pudding. I mean, why? Are we vampires? 

3. If you had to choose between licking chocolate from your partner’s genitals or taking tequila shots from their navel, which would you choose and why?

I really hate tequila, so I'm definitely going for chocolate. I think I've done that, actually.

4. If you had to choose between having to eat one Brussels sprout every day or never having coffee again, which would you choose? Of course elaborate.

I am one of those weirdos who likes Brussels sprouts, so bring them on!

5. Give us the recipe or at least the name of your favourite cocktail.

White Russian:  vodka, Kahlua, cream.  Yum.

Bonus: Tell us about your current food fantasy, sexual or otherwise

My (current) favorite fantasy is receiving a beating and then sex.  The food one involves some creme patisserie. And eclairs. And coffee.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Power of Prayer

 What happens if you pray and you get an answer?  

But you don't like the answer.  

Saturday, October 10, 2020

I heard this poem today



- 1944-2020

In the worst hour of the worst season
    of the worst year of a whole people
a man set out from the workhouse with his wife.
He was walking—they were both walking—north.

She was sick with famine fever and could not keep up.
     He lifted her and put her on his back.
He walked like that west and west and north.
Until at nightfall under freezing stars they arrived.

In the morning they were both found dead.
    Of cold. Of hunger. Of the toxins of a whole history.
But her feet were held against his breastbone.
The last heat of his flesh was his last gift to her.

Let no love poem ever come to this threshold.
     There is no place here for the inexact
praise of the easy graces and sensuality of the body.
There is only time for this merciless inventory:

Their death together in the winter of 1847.
      Also what they suffered. How they lived.
And what there is between a man and woman.
And in which darkness it can best be proved.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Excited Today

 I got to have a (socially distanced) coffee with a friend who until this morning I had only talked to on Fetlife or the phone. She happened to be passing through my state and we made plans to meet at an outdoor veranda coffee shop.  We had a really good talk that only lasted about an hour before they headed off to the next destination.  I'm just pleased as could be though that it happened.  

Also, my Master was feeling pretty good yesterday and today so I got a badly needed spanking (my ass still hurts) and fucking yesterday and we went for a really sweet walk in the woods this afternoon.  I'm all about celebrating those things today.  Also, I have chocolate, so that doesn't hurt. 

Made a new friend

  This friend has nine tails and is a cat that doesn't meow:    I visited Dr. Peter's for lunch and this surprise was waiting for me...