Monday, October 12, 2020

TMI Tuesday: Eclairs!

 1. Name a food or drink you could never live without. 


2. Name a food or drink that you think should never have graced this Earth.

Black pudding. I mean, why? Are we vampires? 

3. If you had to choose between licking chocolate from your partner’s genitals or taking tequila shots from their navel, which would you choose and why?

I really hate tequila, so I'm definitely going for chocolate. I think I've done that, actually.

4. If you had to choose between having to eat one Brussels sprout every day or never having coffee again, which would you choose? Of course elaborate.

I am one of those weirdos who likes Brussels sprouts, so bring them on!

5. Give us the recipe or at least the name of your favourite cocktail.

White Russian:  vodka, Kahlua, cream.  Yum.

Bonus: Tell us about your current food fantasy, sexual or otherwise

My (current) favorite fantasy is receiving a beating and then sex.  The food one involves some creme patisserie. And eclairs. And coffee.


  1. Love your answers Ancilla. My answer to the first is definitely tea lol. I'm with you on No 3 and I hate brussel sprouts lol


    1. My reasoning was that without water I couldn't make coffee or tea. :)

  2. We both picked White Russians!!

  3. Is every TMIer a brussels sprouts fan? Am I missing something in avoiding this vegetable?

  4. love your answer to #1, I see you working. i am in fact a vampire but not the Twilight kind, more the What We Do in the Shadows kind. i just drink the Kahlua straight from the bottle before the drink is made...

    1. I enjoy a plain kahlua too. Right now my only drink is hot cocoa with a splash of butterscotch schnapps for flavor.


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