Monday, July 29, 2019

TMI Tuesday

1. If you were a sex worker what kind of sex work would you NOT do?  

Probably anal.  I don't know, but it seems the most difficult. 

2. You are a sex worker and you must have a specialty. Which ONE of the following would be your specialty and why? 
a. Live sex shows 
b. Professional domination 
c. Camming 

I'd want to do some live sex shows. I mean, I've done it for free, so why not?

3. What is your secret fetish?  

I don't think I have a secret fetish on here at least- I pretty much talk about all of them.   

4. Anal sex can be pretty alluring? Tell the truth, which do you prefer anal or vaginal sex?  

I prefer vaginal.  Although anal can be fun for different reasons it's not an every day fun thing.  It's very intense for me.

5. What is the most embarrassing thing you have said during sex?

I can't remember saying anything embarrassing.

Bonus: Is your g-spot in your ass? If no, where is it?

 Nope, it's in my cunt in the usual spot.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Bit of Fantasy

This is a bit of fantasy.  Some of it may or may not have happened, or may have happened in a completely different manner than described:

I had let one of my sons' friends tamper with the washing machine lock which was stuck closed when the power went out.  That was after my Master had told me to leave it alone.   I don't know what I was thinking, other that I was really annoyed that the washer wouldn't open and worried that the clothes sitting in there for three days would be completely ruined.   

Anyway, he broke the lock so I had to call a repairman once our power was back on.

Once the man was over and we were in the basement, he began threatening me that I would have to do what he wanted if I didn't want my husband to find out what happened to the washer.  I agreed, frightened and horrified.  I'll do it, just don't tell him, please.

He pushed me onto my knees on the hard cement basement floor to please him with my mouth as he spanked me with some long flat thing (which I later realized with horror was a saw).  He lifted me up,  to tie my wrists with trailer connector four flat (wire) only to make me get back on my knees.  Then the repairman made me bend over the washer and he felt between my legs.  There was wetness dripping right down into my sandals.  When I didn't come on his command he gripped the back of my hair and began slapping me hard across the face until I did come.  He ordered me to call him Master.

"What would your husband say if he saw you like this?" he chided.

I looked down at the floor with my eyes, as he still had a grip on my hair, but I didn't say anything.

He fucked me right on the washer, with me bent over its cold metal rim.   One more beating with the saw, then told me to get upstairs.  I walked with my hands still bound in front of me, up to the main floor and then to the bedroom. 

There he untied me and pushed me to the floor, where he began taking pictures and videos of me in compromising positions, wearing my butt plug, with clothespins on my nipples, with his cock in my mouth and my cunt.   

"Your husband doesn't do this does he? What would your husband do if he saw these, you cheating whore?" he asked again. 

"I think he would beat me," I said as though it were the most normal thing in the world.

Does he know you'd like being beaten, though?" he asked.

"He knows how do it so I won't like it" I replied. 

He took me to the bed and had me on top of him, fucking, orgasming, having my tits slapped over and over.  I was a soggy and completely humiliated mess.   I couldn't help enjoying myself even as he threatened once again to blackmail me, to come over and use me in any way he wanted as much as he wanted. 

Finally, curled up in bed, we came back to ourselves and the "repairman" was just my Master again. 

Thursday, July 25, 2019


Having a summer schedule with one of the kids working nearly full time, the other having a boyfriend to go hang out with, and Master having many more days off than at previous jobs, makes for some good sexy-times at home for us during the day.

However, when I'm stressed out I have a hard time feeling the urge to be sexy, or to initiate anything, so sometimes I need my Master to just take what he wants.   I got stressed out by not knowing when our power was coming back on.  One hour? Two hours? A week? Who knows?  How do you make plans?

But yesterday seemed to be going really well.  The lights were on, we had some errand type things to do, and also some fun things. 

Master wanted me upstairs in the middle of it all.  He wanted to put some rope on me but I was too impatient and kept going straight for the DICK.  


Normally I love rope, but this was turning into a belt around the neck, on my knees, cocksucking, while being half-strangled good time.   Then my absolute favorite positions, which is being fucked from behind on my knees with the belt around my neck and him pulling it back like "Whoa, horsie!" 

So fun. 

There may have been was some spit in my face too, although I'm not admitting it and certainly not admitting that I liked it.


Tuesday, July 23, 2019

TMI Tuesday: SNAIL edition

1. why are you single? n/a

2. why are you married or in your current monogamous relationship?  Because I fell in love with him. Being married was the thing to do when you plan to stay together forever in my mind. 

3. is polyamory something you want? Yes. I didn't used to, but now that I've tried it, this is something I enjoy.

4. what is the gender of your best friend?  Master (male) is my best friend.

5. what do you think is the worst thing about being male?  Having a penis and balls.  Hahaha, bet you weren't expecting that!  So untidy, sticking out all over the place when you don't really want it to.  Vulnerable to injury.  Not that every male has a penis, just the cis males. 

bonus: why are you sexy?  Because I'm a wanton slutty slut.  And tits are awesome.

I want a man with the slow hands.  Well, ok, any hands will do.


I haven't been here this week because we had no power.  Storms with 85-90 mph winds knocked out our electricity, along with most of the towns around us.   It went off Saturday morning and came back on Monday afternoon, but we had no idea how long it was going to be.   By Sunday night both kids had abandoned us- the younger to his friend's house and the older to a hotel.

Yesterday 5 minutes after I left to take a shower at a neighbor's house, and charge up our phones  our power came back on.  I had Master's cell phone to charge it up.  The neighbor had offered showers/laundry machine/ charging for our phones since they are really nice.  Our younger son was staying with them- they are about 3 miles down the road and their son is his oldest friend. And for some reason the phone at our house still wasn't working even though the power was on.   So he and the older kid (who had come back from the hotel he'd gone to- he's 18 and discovering that he can just go get a room and not have to put up with out lack of internet at home during black out) biked over to tell me that the power was back on.  I'd already gotten my shower by then (felt great).    If you haven't gone without it for a few days, you have no idea how wonderful the sight of water coming out of your tap can be.    

Friday, July 19, 2019

Family Visit

We had Master's mom and her husband came to visit us this week, so I haven't done a lot of writing or blogging.  We did some fun stuff, went out to eat a lot, and they brought me a Spanish/English bilingual cookbook from Panama (Master's mom is originally from there, many years ago), so I'm interested to try out some of those recipes.  First I think I want Cajun potatoes, though.  Is over 90 degrees too hot to cook potatoes?  Surely not, in Cajun land it's much hotter than that.  

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Flogging Class

Yesterday, almost on the spur of the moment, Master decided that we were going to drive a couple hours to go to a flogging class.   The class was fun to watch but there wasn't an opportunity to practice there, so that had to wait until we got home. 

Master was inspired, I was eager; it was the perfect set up for play.

I was naked in the middle of the room. He held me, kissed me, stroked me and told me to get into position by the dresser.  He started off with then gentlest floggers and it felt absolutely wonderful, working up to a heavier and faster pattern.  He switched to the more stingy and heavy floggers, and beat me into a very warm place, with some of the evidence of my excitement dripping down my leg.  

He took me to bed then and made me orgasm with fingering and fucking and vibrating.   It was amazing.  I still have sore spot on my chest where he dug his knuckles into my sternum.  That's an almost unbearable pain, so I can't help but like it in a way. 

Thursday, July 11, 2019


I have read a lot about "being broken" on various BDSM sites, not as a bad thing but as something that can happen in play.  

I didn't really understand it, until it happened to me. 

I felt broken afterward, not as in injured or sad, but like I had broken through to a whole new level of submissiveness.  It was triggered by one thing my Master said and my reaction to it, I thought, but then looking back at the whole play session, I think it started being set up well before that.  I don't know that it was something he intended either, at least he didn't say so.  But it still happened.

It started out when we were facing each other and he wanted me to do some of the Tai Chi moves with him, and he punched me in the chest suddenly, whereupon I got too nervous to do any Tai Chi and I kept backing away out of his range to avoid getting punched.

He started talking to me, and I don't really remember what he said, but it put me in a calmer and better headspace, one of submission, so that I was able to stand there and accept being hit, or the possibility of being hit at any moment, without flinching away.

This was the lead up, but the real breaking point came later.  He was scratching me with a porcupine quill, which feels kind of tickley and pokey but not very painful.   When he ran the sharp tip across my labia I thought about piercing, and how painful that would be.  About that time he asked if I was ready to have some safety pins shoved through my pussy.  

I felt alarmed, but like a good slave, I said "Whatever you want Master".  

He asked me the same thing again and I gave the same answer.

He asked a third time and since I knew he wanted something different from me I said "Yes, Master, I'm ready". 

Then he said "Don't be silly, we're not doing that now".

I was kind of incensed.  Silly?? I'm just trying to be good here.  I'm trying to do what he wants, and now I'm silly?  I thought I was doing what I was supposed to.   I tried to keep behaving but now every sensation was setting me on edge, pinching, intolerable. The rope was pinching, his fingers pinched my tender bits. 

I pushed him away several times before I got control of myself and just let everything break inside me.  I let all the negative emotions break off, to leave just the broken, docile submission to him.  If he wants to call me silly, then that's what he will do and I'm going to just lie here and be in complete submission to it.  That is when I felt like I'd been broken.  My will was gone, even the will to be incensed by what I thought was unfair.  After all, fair is where they have the pony rides and cotton candy, and has nothing to do with being a slave.  

It was something I hadn't felt in a long time, or maybe not ever, this breaking, which is really a break through.   

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

TMI Tuesday: Is Romance Dead?

1. Have you ever sent an intimate photo of yourself on accident to the wrong person?

No, I haven't. 
2. Which of these is a caring gesture you would appreciate?
a. Lover pre-heats or pre-cools your car before you drive off to work.
b. Lover initiates or consents to a sex act you’ve been wanting to try.
c. Lover surprises you with a mini vacation or getaway.

c. That sounds exciting.  b. we have done, and it is fun also.

3. Office romances–hot or not?

They are pretty common, so I guess they could be either? If they don't work out everyone is uncomfortable.
4. To find a romantic mate would you rather use an online dating site or a matchmaker?

Does anyone have matchmakers anymore?  I guess I would pick the first one if I had to chose between those options.  I'd really rather meet face to face.

5. Think about this. In a current relationship (e.g., romantic, friendship), are you clinging to past good times and memories or are you still having good times and making new happy memories? 

We have a lot of fun times, this morning for example, I'm making farro for him, which is a bit of an adventure since I've never done before.  Also, see the blog about yesterday.

What relationship, if any, is it time to let go of?

My relationship with thinking bad things about myself.  I should dump it. 

Bonus: Have you (or your relationship) survived infidelity?


Monday, Which is his Saturday

For once yesterday I didn't get out of bed when I first woke up.  I've been waking up by 6 every morning, even when I don't have to, which can be pretty annoying.  Yesterday it was only 4:45 though, practically still night, so I took off my collar, went to the bathroom, came back and lay down with my robe over my head trying to block out the sun.

When I woke up a while later Master was just waking up and stroking me.  It had been 4 days since we had really had time together.  Sunday night he didn't get home until after I was asleep.

He stroked me until my legs opened.  Then he was all over me, pinning me to the bed, biting me, hitting me, taking me roughly.

Afterward we got up and I made biscuits and sausages for breakfast, then showered and got dressed.  I was already to go out shopping when he came upstairs with me and pushed me to my knees to suck his cock.   He told me to get in bed, and I was struggling to kick off my sandals and pull down my shorts at the same time as I fell back on the bed.

He took my panties and stuffed them into my mouth.  As he took me he told me I better raise my shirt or he was getting his knife out.  He fucked me quickly and then told me it was time to go to the store.  He didn't let me shower, and told me what I was to wear, which didn't include a bra.  He teased me that everyone was staring at my nipples.  It was really humiliating.  I went the whole day without a bra, and while I feel more comfortable that way, I also don't like to think people are staring at me and thinking mean things about me. I don't know if they were or not, but I imagine it.

Later that night he had promised to beat me even more, and he put me face down on the bed, where he caned me and flogged me.  

And then we fucked.

What a great day!


Sunday, July 7, 2019

Kink in the Woods

Last night I went to a kinky gathering of friends in the woods.  I wasn't super up for being social beforehand, but I couldn't back out either, so I went and had a much better time than I would have sitting at home. 

My Master couldn't go because he had to work, and I missed him a lot. 

There was a fire play demo which I was the bottom for, and that was a lot of fun.  I'm now sporting some cup marks.  I also enjoyed seeing some friends I don't get to see very often.  

Not "those" woods, but some different woods for flavor.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy 4th

Happy 4th of July!  Master is working today, so I might have to make my own fireworks, so to speak.

Image result for fireworks image

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

TMI Tuesday

1. What excites you beyond belief?

That would have to be the crack of a bullwhip at my back.

2. Your significant other has asked you to sleep with his cock in your mouth, what are your first thoughts? Would you say yes or no? Why?

My first thought is how am I going to get any sleep at all with the covers over my head?  I will feel like I'm suffocating. I would say yes if he wanted it, suffocating or not.

3. Have you ever had someone sleep with your cock in their mouth?

4. Fill in the blank: Spank _____ .

the monkey?

5. Write a sexy sentence (or two) and use the phrase ‘harness of rope’.

He led her to the table with a leash attached to her harness of rope, where he ordered her to lie down to be bound tightly and blindfolded for what was to come. 

Bonus: Who do you laugh and play with more often– your friends or your significant other?
Definitely my Master.  I don't see my other friends that often.

Monday, July 1, 2019

The Lesson

A conversation slice: 

Me: "I'm feeling sad and lonely today."

Master:  "Oh? Why"

Me:  "I missed out on the sex."

I had given him a blow and hand job earlier, but then afterward, when it was too late, I started getting really horny and sad and kind of angry that I'd missed out most of the fun.  Angry at myself for not being able to see just pleasing him as enough.  He told me that's how it should be, but my brain wasn't having any of it.  Thus, the sadness.

He then asked if I wanted a spanking and I said yes.   I was facing him so he started on my tits, smacking and punching, while I did my best not to shrink away, although that's hard to do.  Then he gave me a good caning, and used a dildo on me until I had several orgasms.  Everything was very wet and I felt far more relaxed. 

Conversation afterward went something like:

Master:  "So, did you learn your lesson?"

Me: "What lesson, that spankings are fun?"

Master: "No.  That pouty slaves get spankings."

Me, laughing: "I'm still feeling a bit pouty right here".

Master- punches me in the tit really hard.

Me:  "I'm all better now!"

Master:  "Good!  The beatings continue until morale improves."

Picture You

 Do you picture me like I picture you? Am I in the frame from your point of view? Do you feel the same? I'm too scared to say Half of th...