Monday, October 1, 2018

TMI Tuesday

1. What is the most annoying thing to you during foreplay or sex?

Definitely doing anything to my stomach.  I hate the feeling.  Blowing, kissing etc. is a no, and biting is right out.  Of course my Master would do it just to torment me.  
2. Tell us something you really wanted to do but let someone talk you out of when deep down you wanted to do it?

I am probably stubborn enough that I can't think of a time that this has happened to me.    I easily let myself be talked out of things that I don't really want to do.  The only times I haven't done something I really deep down wanted to do were when my Master said no, absolutely not.   I wasn't talked out of it, just told I wasn't doing it.  There were times when I wanted to go to a certain event, or get a new animal when that happened.

3. During sex are you more orgasm-centered or going for an all out enjoyable experience with connection?

I am not orgasm centered except when I'm masturbating.  I like orgasms, but that's not what I'm mainly into- it's the whole experience and feelings.

4. When was the last time you sought to introduce new activities in the bedroom? What did you want to introduce? Did you and your lover do the new sexual activity?

The last time I took the initiative on something new was actually with Dr. Peter, when I asked him if he would teach me to cane him, which he did.  I enjoyed it, for the feeling of making him happy, but I didn't get a lot of sexual thrills from the act of caning.  I was worried that I'd be uncomfortable, but I wasn't really. 
5. Finish the sentence: I would enjoy spending an entire day alone ______ .

If I had dogs with me and could walk in the country.  It's not really alone with dogs is it?  I assume it means without other humans.
Bonus: If you had to sum up the internet in one word, what would it be?




  1. Hi Ancilla,

    Love your answers. A walk in the country with the dogs sounds wonderful and interesting to read about canning Dr. Peter.


  2. Yeah, some days I think the internet is the new Tower of Babel

  3. are you ticklish? just kidding.

    yep, i go out into the country with my dogs, too. when we're alone like that with no one around for miles is when they feel comfortable and my dogs start talking to me...


The Pink Pony Club

 In the past day I have become obsessed with this song: I can't stop listening to it, and when I do have ...