Tuesday, October 16, 2018

TMI Tuesday

1. Do you like tattoos? Do you have any tattoos? 

I have three tattoos and I do like them.  The first one is my Master's initials on my back/shoulder area.  The second says "Owned" with a chain and heart attached and it's on my thigh.  The newest one is a stylized elephant on my calf.  

2. How did you pick your online profile name? 

The very first kink website I joined I picked the name "ksst" because I had just watched the episode "Tsst" of South Park where they bring in dog trainer Cesar Milan to straighten up an out of control Cartman.   Here's a little clip:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzOCxnszcvA.  I thought it was way too funny, although I'm not really a fan of Cesar's dog training method. 

I changed it to ksst to sound like kissed.  

A while later my Master began calling me ancilla, which is Latin for serving girl, and he added it to my name.  On fetlife I now have a different name, but that's a longer story.

3. What’s one saying you try to live by? 

My Master says I love by "Suck it, bitch".  Ummm, sure, so that's my saying.  

4. What was the last bad meal you ate? Why was it so awful?

 I really don't eat anything awful.  If it's that bad I toss it and find something else.  I would say my worst meals are just adequate and edible without being amazing.  Like the Chinese food we ate on Saturday.  I had leftovers from it which were really pretty good once I added a bunch of hot sauce to them at home.

 5. When was your last bad sexual encounter? Why was it so awful?  

I have no idea. 

Bonus: Tell us something random.

http://eelslap.com/  Go here.  Do the thing. 

Or go here:



  1. I enjoyed reading your answers Ancilla, especially the background to your blog name.


  2. Okay... we went there but can't do the thing until we figure out where to get an eel! :O

    1. Well, you can do virtual eel slaps anyway. Less messy!

  3. Hello! Great answers. And the eel slap is hilarious! At first I was like, "Okay, this is silly." And then I spent a couple minutes doing it and it just got funnier. Definitely random!


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