Monday, October 22, 2018

TMI Tuesday

1. What’s the future of dating? 

I think in the future people won't actually go for coffee or dinner.  They will eat at home by the computer with the camera on for a romantic dinner for one, while watching their "date" eat and drink from half a world away.  Or maybe that is already the present state of dating.  

2. Do you usually wake up with an erection? 

I don't have a penis, so, no.  

3. What is your most bizarre talent?

Flipping my tongue over. 

 4. Do you prefer the people in your life to be simple or complex? 

My personal opinion on this is that all people are equally complex, some are just better at hiding it from the world so they seem  simple. I prefer a moderate amount, not too much exposed or too much hidden.  

5. Are you simple or complex? 


 Bonus: Tell us a riddle.

What rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs? 


  1. Interesting questions and I love your answers Ancilla. Love your answers to No's 2 and 5 lol.


  2. Ok, great post, and I like your answers to the questions too, but what's the answer to the riddle??? Yes, you told us a riddle, and that's what it says to do, but WHAT'S THE ANSWER? Sorry, didn't mean to yell. But, but... inquiring minds want to know.

  3. It's log! From Blammo!

  4. answer to the riddle:

    wink wink


The Pink Pony Club

 In the past day I have become obsessed with this song: I can't stop listening to it, and when I do have ...