Friday, September 7, 2018


I had so much energy yesterday!  I can't even remember when I felt that good.  There was such a weight off my mind.   

I spent the morning cleaning the house.  Sadly, you can't really tell, but I swept up a lot of fur, cleaned out the dog room, dusted, washed some walls and trim, vacuumed etc.   Then I went out for a walk in the woods with Pepper and caught some Pokemon.  I did some back to school shopping for things the kids needed.   Then I came home and mowed most of the lawn and cooked dinner.  Oh, and in between I did 4 loads of laundry.   I hope to get a lot done today as well.  


  1. Wow, that is definitely one productive day! Good on you. So glad you are feeling better:)


  2. 4 loads! And i thought *I* was laundry obsessed! Glad u r feeling better!

    1. Four loads is pretty normal for a Thursday, when I do all the bedding. Plus I had a lot of towels.


Red Wine Supernova

Another song has been been bringing back memories for me.  This is a post from 2013, slightly re-written because I couldn't help it.    ...