Sunday, September 4, 2016

Reader Poll

I'm really curious, do you, the readers of this blog, see it as only sunshine/rainbows/fun times that I write here, or a balanced view of good and bad times? Please leave a comment? 


  1. Balanced but mostly kinky sunshine and rainbows :)

  2. I think we see parts of both...
    hugs abby

  3. In truth, I don`t the blog is completely balanced but I do not think you do it necessarily purposefully. I think you have some aspects to go through/work through yourself emotionally and spiritually regarding life and your chosen lifestyle together. You often skim over the psychological and/or difficult parts of the journey, touch on them in a sentence - dismiss and then opt for the mass on the physical side, the whipping, fucking, caning. BUT it`s your blog, don`t worry what others think, it`s your life/privacy and how you wish to portray it on line is up to you and your husband.

    1. Thank you for the comment! I know I do this too. That stuff is hard to write about!

  4. I do think we see more than just the rainbows, but how easy can it be for a sub to write about the hard parts when her Dom will read those words later? I imagine it would be pretty hard and that it would force a filter over those words.

    1. Believe it or not, Doms have feelings too. Of course you know that, but I think sometimes subs kinda forget. I don't worry that he's punish me, but I do worry about what he will think. In addition to just wanting to keep some stuff private. Thank you for your comment! So much appreciated.

  5. I think it's pretty balanced. I will admit to being totes jelly about all the freaking sex and D/s you guys seem to manage to fit in- wish me and Q were that lucky! LOL But it's nice to see someone livin' the dream, even though I wouldn't trade my life for anyone's. XD

    1. Not gonna lie, we do have sex a lot. It's all because of Master, he's always liked a lot of sex. Even if it is a quickie, 10 minutes or whatever before bed. I am grateful.

  6. i think it's balanced! i agree with the words up there where sometimes it's hard to consider posting what your Dom might read later. Sometimes i post in the moment and it gets resolved/discussed and things are ok, then i feel guilty it's out there. but that's reality, right? it isn't always rainbows. You've posted about your struggles, jealousies, etc. i think it's awesome what you both have and it's been an honor to follow your journey! Thank you!

  7. I check in everyday for several years. It's my way of passing through the looking glass. More like lollipops and rainbows. But as Marylin Monroe said I always get the fuzzy end of the lollipop.

    1. Thank you for reading! I hope you get the non-fuzzy end soon, truly.

  8. You show both, but lean more towards kinky sunshine and rainbows - maybe 70/30?


The Pink Pony Club

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