Monday, July 14, 2014


Well, today the spiraling down thoughts were with me again, and I was fairly glum.  I worked on some of my meditation exercises, and did some cleaning.  But I still had one unpleasant chore hanging over me (dealing with a bank error I'd made) which turned out to be simpler and less painful than I thought it would be.  Master had forgiven me right away when he found the error, saying "These things happen, don't worry, just sort it out" but I was still guiltifying myself.    That's not really a word, is it?

On the way home from the bank, I stopped for a walk and tiny bit of jogging by a beautiful lake, and by the time I got done I was all cheered up.  

Then I was all productive on the outside tasks until I was weeding the garden and discovered a nest of yellow jackets.   I ran from them immediately, but one still got me on the heel.  I was paranoid about it still being under my jeans or socks or shoes, so I just stripped everything off once I was far enough from them.   

I hate those yellow jackets.  I'm hoping Master will spray them because I don't even want to go back out in the garden now.   


  1. I love how you chose to handle your glum feeling and mistake. Such a positive way to bring yourself back out of it. Sorry you got stung though, ouch! x_x

    Guiltifying... it should be a word, I like it! *nod*

    1. Well, my therapist would be happy to know that I'm using her stuff!

  2. LOL it must be something in the air. We spent the day arguing with some bees and there is a nest of wasps still to deal with. Sighs think they won the first round

    1. First of all, this is absolutely a Masterly task, so don't let anyone tell you differently. Last night I bravely stood back a fair distance and pointed out the nest to him, with the garden gate open so we could make a quick exit. Then after dark (wasps sleep at night) he went back out with alcohol and matches and burned them out. He says I'm supposed to go check today that he got them all by poking them with a hoe. eeep.

    2. Oh, so he's left you the dangerous day job huh? There needs to be a better system :(

    3. It was ok. I watched the spot for a good long time to see if any wasps were around before I got close. They are all gone, from that nest anyway.


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