Friday, June 8, 2018

FFF 19

6/2   One hour gardening.  25 minute walk.
6/3   One hour gardening and an hour walk.
6/4   One hour gardening

As you can see I'm really trying to get the garden in shape.  So far I have planted onions, peas, carrots, radishes, zucchini, pumpkins, beans and potatoes.  

Yesterday I walked a lot, so much my feet hurt.  I also made fudge.  And ate it.   Yum!   Do I really have to weigh myself? 


  1. Lol no - you actually do not have to weigh yourself. And fudge is sooooo delicious. And you did a lot of work, so good for you!!

  2. fudge is good. no weighing necessary.

  3. That's a lot of gardening. I'm sure the fudge wouldn't make any difference with all that outdoor exercise. You go girl!

  4. I agree, fudge is good, and weighing isn't necessary :) Wow you have been busy in the garden, well done you, and on the walking :)


  5. It's weigh in necessary....fudge is a great reward for all that gardening...hugs abby


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