1. One thing that you will never do again?
Be 25.
2. Who knows you the best?
My Master.
3. Do you think a relationship should be 50/50 all the time?
No. One saying I like is "Fair is where they have the cotton candy and pony rides". It can't be totally unbalanced to the point where one person never gets their needs met, but I think aiming for a constant 50/50 is not realistic.
4. When was your most recent act of kindness? Was it appreciated?
An online friend asked me to join a suicide support group to give supportive messages to people who are reaching out for help. I did it, but I can't say it has been the easiest thing I've ever done. Yes, she appreciated the help with the group.
5. Are you a good friend? Why or why not?
All I can say is I try. I have a lot of anxiety over whether I have annoyed or irked people and they just aren't telling me.
6. What is something that you tried really hard to like but just couldn’t?
Doing 69. Just not fun.
Bonus: How was your month of July? Did you do anything fun, interesting, new?
Yes, yes, yes! So many new and fun things. There was the strap-on and dildo fun, and there was the shooting and fishing weekend.
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Monday, July 30, 2018
WWW and Birthday Spanking
The Wild Women Weekend was really only a few hours, but that doesn't have the same alliteration to it. I had a great time, and loved seeing my friend whom I rarely get to see at all. We had some gun safety lessons and practiced shooting positions, and then there was a hunting dog demo that some of us got to participate in. I was throwing the dummy duck. That was the best part for me, as I love watching dogs at work, and this girl sure enjoyed her retrieving.
After that we practiced casting with fishing equipment, learned to tie knots that would hold a hook on fishing line, baited up our hooks (the worst part was touching the worms) and then set out to catch some fish. We only spent about half an hour at that but two people caught fish anyway. I had my binoculars and spent quite a bit of time bird/fish/turtle watching.
Then the lovely volunteers made us a delicious lunch of grilled fish (not the ones we caught- they had fresh perch, bluegill and salmon- where we only could catch carp and bullheads in the swamp). There were a lot of sides and also a pot of venison. Oh, and to get our appetites ready there was a fish head smashing and cleaning demo first. I know that is where a lot of people decided they were more into the civilized woman thing rather than the wild woman thing! But for me it was the worm squishing. I've been fishing before, and we never used worms- either rubber lures or bits of hot dog work just fine for me.
This is where we were.
Absolutely perfect weather and natural surroundings, amazing wildflower gardens.
Sunday was my birthday, and the only thing I really wanted (besides cake, of course) was a birthday spanking. Master and I hadn't played or had sex all week, so I was really hopeful that I'd get it that night. And I did. He started out with the cane, and some really hard strokes to get me ouching. Then he switched to the leather straps for a bit more warm up. When he went back to the cane he started playing the ladder game. He went all the way up to 47, my new age. You know the ladder game, right? I explained it on my birthday last year, HERE. And then back down again. My butt was sure red and sore after all that.
He fucked me and used the vibrator on me. Since my old one broke I haven't really had orgasms this week, but now the new one I ordered is here, so that was wonderful.
In the morning I woke up with his hand between my legs and I started rubbing against it. He started rubbing back and soon he climbed on top of me and took me again. This time I rode on top too, and had an absolutely massive orgasm, probably the best one in weeks.
After that we practiced casting with fishing equipment, learned to tie knots that would hold a hook on fishing line, baited up our hooks (the worst part was touching the worms) and then set out to catch some fish. We only spent about half an hour at that but two people caught fish anyway. I had my binoculars and spent quite a bit of time bird/fish/turtle watching.
Then the lovely volunteers made us a delicious lunch of grilled fish (not the ones we caught- they had fresh perch, bluegill and salmon- where we only could catch carp and bullheads in the swamp). There were a lot of sides and also a pot of venison. Oh, and to get our appetites ready there was a fish head smashing and cleaning demo first. I know that is where a lot of people decided they were more into the civilized woman thing rather than the wild woman thing! But for me it was the worm squishing. I've been fishing before, and we never used worms- either rubber lures or bits of hot dog work just fine for me.
This is where we were.
Absolutely perfect weather and natural surroundings, amazing wildflower gardens.
Sunday was my birthday, and the only thing I really wanted (besides cake, of course) was a birthday spanking. Master and I hadn't played or had sex all week, so I was really hopeful that I'd get it that night. And I did. He started out with the cane, and some really hard strokes to get me ouching. Then he switched to the leather straps for a bit more warm up. When he went back to the cane he started playing the ladder game. He went all the way up to 47, my new age. You know the ladder game, right? I explained it on my birthday last year, HERE. And then back down again. My butt was sure red and sore after all that.
He fucked me and used the vibrator on me. Since my old one broke I haven't really had orgasms this week, but now the new one I ordered is here, so that was wonderful.
In the morning I woke up with his hand between my legs and I started rubbing against it. He started rubbing back and soon he climbed on top of me and took me again. This time I rode on top too, and had an absolutely massive orgasm, probably the best one in weeks.
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Wild Women Weekend
Today I'm meeting a friend at a Wildlife Wild Women Weekend. And it has nothing to do with kinky sex! Instead, we are going to hunt or fish or something, I'm not exactly sure since I read the flyer and signed up so long ago I've forgotten what it said. I just know it involves women and mosquitoes and I need to remember to take my binoculars and bugspray.
Something like this:
Is probably not going to happen.
Something like this:
Is probably not going to happen.
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Master and I were out walking and playing Pokemon Go today and he
said he got a Pichu with hat and sunglasses from his latest egg hatch.
I was nearly swooning over the cuteness of little Pichu (I didn't have one yet) and told him it was because "God loves you".
He said "Yep, I have been good and pure and kind up to now, and that is why she showers me with sluts." Off the topic of Pokemon and back to sex, then.
I was nearly swooning over the cuteness of little Pichu (I didn't have one yet) and told him it was because "God loves you".
He said "Yep, I have been good and pure and kind up to now, and that is why she showers me with sluts." Off the topic of Pokemon and back to sex, then.
TMI Tuesday
1. What do you need to learn but won’t admit to?
I don't understand the question. Why would I not admit to needing to learn, if I knew what it was that I needed to learn?
2. If you could erase one event from your life, which one would you choose?
Briefly describe the event, tell us why you would erase it.
I would erase being assaulted as a child. No need to describe it. The reason is because it was horrible.
3. Who drains your energy, and why do you let it happen?
Occasionally my youngest goes on a talking streak and does not stop. I don't stop him because I'm his mom. But he can make my ears tired.
4. Do your practice ‘self-love’ or ‘self-loathing’?
Oh, a little of each. Gotta keep balance :).
5. What must you do daily to keep yourself ‘sane’?
Masturbate, of course.
Bonus: Who do you blame?
Republicans. And anyone who didn't vote, or voted for a third party as well. But mostly Republicans.
I don't understand the question. Why would I not admit to needing to learn, if I knew what it was that I needed to learn?
2. If you could erase one event from your life, which one would you choose?
Briefly describe the event, tell us why you would erase it.
I would erase being assaulted as a child. No need to describe it. The reason is because it was horrible.
3. Who drains your energy, and why do you let it happen?
Occasionally my youngest goes on a talking streak and does not stop. I don't stop him because I'm his mom. But he can make my ears tired.
4. Do your practice ‘self-love’ or ‘self-loathing’?
Oh, a little of each. Gotta keep balance :).
5. What must you do daily to keep yourself ‘sane’?
Masturbate, of course.
Bonus: Who do you blame?
Republicans. And anyone who didn't vote, or voted for a third party as well. But mostly Republicans.
Monday, July 23, 2018
What A Great Weekend!
We had a wonderful time visiting our friends Saturday night. We had many long and interesting conversations about everything, this and that. There was delicious food to eat and then a long night of play. I can't remember the last time I spent 4 hours having sex/doing sex related kinky activities. At least two of us were good and sore the next day!
Oh, and I used a strap on penis for the first time, on the giving end! It was fun. She is so hot and amazing, so beautiful. T., her Master/Owner/husband/soulmate is a lucky man.
Actually, we are all very lucky people to be having such fun sharing.
Oh, and I used a strap on penis for the first time, on the giving end! It was fun. She is so hot and amazing, so beautiful. T., her Master/Owner/husband/soulmate is a lucky man.
Actually, we are all very lucky people to be having such fun sharing.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
To Do List
My list for this morning:
-make breakfast
-wash dishes
-computer work
-sweep and dust
-mop bathroom
So, I got this far by 8:30 and then I couldn't decide what to do next.
The next set of things I put down on a list and used a die roll to put them in order 1-4:
weed garden
play Pokemon
herd sheep
The dice told me:
1. herd sheep
2. walk
3. Pokemon
4. garden
I got done with the sheep herding and it was starting to get hot so I decided to move gardening up on my list, and since I already had the muck boots on.
Now it's 10:00am and I'm tired and debating just skipping the walk and the Pokemon for this morning.
I still need to get a shower and get all dressed and made up to go out.
-make breakfast
-wash dishes
-computer work
-sweep and dust
-mop bathroom
So, I got this far by 8:30 and then I couldn't decide what to do next.
The next set of things I put down on a list and used a die roll to put them in order 1-4:
weed garden
play Pokemon
herd sheep
The dice told me:
1. herd sheep
2. walk
3. Pokemon
4. garden
I got done with the sheep herding and it was starting to get hot so I decided to move gardening up on my list, and since I already had the muck boots on.
Now it's 10:00am and I'm tired and debating just skipping the walk and the Pokemon for this morning.
I still need to get a shower and get all dressed and made up to go out.
I hate it when Master is disappointed in me.
Thursday I had a massively busy day, and this is no excuse, but I forgot to consider dinner until it was too late to go to the store. We went directly out for some Pokemon raids, meeting in town on his way home, and then after that I had to tell him I needed to go to the store for food. By the time we got home and I cooked it, just some hamburgers which are quick, it was almost 8:00. He was disappointed that I hadn't planned ahead to have something at home to make, and he told me I must do better.
Friday I tried to make up for it with potatoes. Potatoes say "I'm sorry", right? Not just potatoes, of course, there was also curried spicy hamburger with onions and radishes, a salad, and for dessert raspberry pie with ice cream.
Thursday I had a massively busy day, and this is no excuse, but I forgot to consider dinner until it was too late to go to the store. We went directly out for some Pokemon raids, meeting in town on his way home, and then after that I had to tell him I needed to go to the store for food. By the time we got home and I cooked it, just some hamburgers which are quick, it was almost 8:00. He was disappointed that I hadn't planned ahead to have something at home to make, and he told me I must do better.
Friday I tried to make up for it with potatoes. Potatoes say "I'm sorry", right? Not just potatoes, of course, there was also curried spicy hamburger with onions and radishes, a salad, and for dessert raspberry pie with ice cream.
Friday, July 20, 2018
FFF 25. Yes, 25 Weeks of Attempting Fitness
Weight= exactly the same
Walking= yes
Plans for weekend= eating
We are going to visit some friends on Saturday and so I'm making pie to bring and a pie to leave. We went berry picking the other day, and got 2 buckets of raspberries. I am really hoping for a weekend of nothing but good food and kinky fun times.
Walking= yes
Plans for weekend= eating
We are going to visit some friends on Saturday and so I'm making pie to bring and a pie to leave. We went berry picking the other day, and got 2 buckets of raspberries. I am really hoping for a weekend of nothing but good food and kinky fun times.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Morning Hotness
I had just showered this morning when Master came upstairs "to nap" and found me getting dressed. He told me to put on some underwear that I didn't really care about so I picked these red ones that were starting to unravel a bit.
As I stood in the center of the room, he pressed a knife to my cheek. He trailed it down my chest and began slowly making cuts in the panties. Not just one cut, but a series of tears until they were still hanging from me, but in shreds. He poked the knife against my cunt lips.
He told me then to get my collar on and go and lie on the bed with my legs spread. He made me beg him to fuck me with the knife. He was fucking me with his cock at the time, and I begged for the knife. He pulled out and touched it to my labia, running it all around so I could feel the sharpness. Then with a violent motion he plunged hard into me and for a second my visceral, unthinking reaction was "Knife!" but the lack of pain made me realize two seconds later it was his fingers. I came as ordered.
He tore the soaked panties even more, using them like a resistance harness to fuck me and pull me to him, then he took them all the way off and stuffed them in my mouth. He beat me with the wooden holey paddle as I lay on my stomach, and as he was fucking me.
This is the kind of morning I like. :)
TMI Tuesday: Finger Spews
1. If each of your index fingers could spew a liquid for the rest of your life, what liquid(s) would it be.
We're assuming magic fingers here, so we don't have to worry about physics or any of that tricky stuff. I think my index finger would be liquid gold, for spending loot. The other would be coffee, for convenience. I hope that I can shut off the tap, otherwise this is going to be very messy.
2. If you could talk to everyone in the world for 5 minutes, all at once, what would you say?
Nothing. That would be worse than public speaking.
3. Would you rather not be able to eat for a week OR not be able to _____ for a month?
I'd rather not be able to trip over logs for a month. That's an easy one!
4. What exhilarates you?
My Master, when he wants to play with me.
5. What is the best perk of your job? What is the best perk you have ever had at any job?
Being at home, being outside on nice days.
Not having to go to work..
Best perk on any job: good healthcare plan. That was when I worked as a lab technician.
Bonus: Just how naughty are you?
So naughty. I once got caught giving head in the back seat of a car. My mom was driving.
We're assuming magic fingers here, so we don't have to worry about physics or any of that tricky stuff. I think my index finger would be liquid gold, for spending loot. The other would be coffee, for convenience. I hope that I can shut off the tap, otherwise this is going to be very messy.
2. If you could talk to everyone in the world for 5 minutes, all at once, what would you say?
Nothing. That would be worse than public speaking.
3. Would you rather not be able to eat for a week OR not be able to _____ for a month?
I'd rather not be able to trip over logs for a month. That's an easy one!
4. What exhilarates you?
My Master, when he wants to play with me.
5. What is the best perk of your job? What is the best perk you have ever had at any job?
Being at home, being outside on nice days.
Not having to go to work..
Best perk on any job: good healthcare plan. That was when I worked as a lab technician.
Bonus: Just how naughty are you?
So naughty. I once got caught giving head in the back seat of a car. My mom was driving.
Monday, July 16, 2018
KOTW: phone sex
Him: How are things going?
Me: Oh, you know, pretty good, but I miss you a lot.
Him: What do you miss?
Me: I miss you touching me.
Him: Touching you where?
Me: My breasts... my... you know.
Him: Say it.
Me: My cunt.
Him: Touch it now, you little slut.
Me: Yes, Master.
Him: Stick two fingers in. Are they in?
Me: Yes, Master.
Him: I want you to come for me. When I say three. You keep touching yourself.
Me: Yes, Master. (breathless)
Him: One.
Three- Come!
Him: Tell me what you want to do for me.
Of course we don't usually need or have the ability to have phone sex, but this is exactly the sort we have when we do. I think the last time was when he was on the trip to Las Vegas in January. We used to do it a lot more when we lived apart. I wouldn't say it is my favorite sex, but it is better than nothing!
Me: Oh, you know, pretty good, but I miss you a lot.
Him: What do you miss?
Me: I miss you touching me.
Him: Touching you where?
Me: My breasts... my... you know.
Him: Say it.
Me: My cunt.
Him: Touch it now, you little slut.
Me: Yes, Master.
Him: Stick two fingers in. Are they in?
Me: Yes, Master.
Him: I want you to come for me. When I say three. You keep touching yourself.
Me: Yes, Master. (breathless)
Him: One.
Three- Come!
Him: Tell me what you want to do for me.
Of course we don't usually need or have the ability to have phone sex, but this is exactly the sort we have when we do. I think the last time was when he was on the trip to Las Vegas in January. We used to do it a lot more when we lived apart. I wouldn't say it is my favorite sex, but it is better than nothing!

Friday, July 13, 2018
FFF- week something?
I know I haven't been posting the last few weeks on the fitness topic, but I'm still walking regularly and occasionally trying to be on a diet (not super successfully). My weight seems to be holding steady.
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Yesterday was Master's and my 25th wedding anniversary. We used to think that any relationship would be boring by the time we'd been together so long, or got so old. It's definitely not boring, though!
He worked overnight the Monday night, so I arranged a little surprise for him on the pillow for when he went to bed in the morning. It was just a little chocolate and a card, nothing fancy.
Slightly unexpectedly, when he went upstairs he told me to come with him. He shared the chocolate with me by putting a piece of it on his dick and telling me I better get it before it fell off. I really enjoy chocolate flavored blow jobs, as it turns out.
There was a spanking with the holey paddle (ow!) and some sex before he went to sleep. My butt is still a little tender today, as a good reminder.
In the afternoon we went out playing Pokemon, and then he took me shopping. I love that. I feel all pampered and girly :). I got a new purse.
We went out to dinner that night and just generally had a very fine day.
I love my Master! I'm hoping for another 25.
He worked overnight the Monday night, so I arranged a little surprise for him on the pillow for when he went to bed in the morning. It was just a little chocolate and a card, nothing fancy.
Slightly unexpectedly, when he went upstairs he told me to come with him. He shared the chocolate with me by putting a piece of it on his dick and telling me I better get it before it fell off. I really enjoy chocolate flavored blow jobs, as it turns out.
There was a spanking with the holey paddle (ow!) and some sex before he went to sleep. My butt is still a little tender today, as a good reminder.
In the afternoon we went out playing Pokemon, and then he took me shopping. I love that. I feel all pampered and girly :). I got a new purse.
We went out to dinner that night and just generally had a very fine day.
I love my Master! I'm hoping for another 25.
Monday, July 9, 2018
TMI Tuesday: Here's Looking At You!
1. What is the most marvelous thing you have ever seen?
My newborn babies for the first time.
2. Are you a starter or a finisher?
I'd like to say the latter, but I might be fooling myself. I generally finish most things...
3. When did your heart last ‘skip a beat’? Why?
Probably last night when my Master suddenly grabbed me and kissed me. I don't know if it actually skipped a beat or not, but I think it makes a good story.
4. What does your perfect day look like?
Waking up in Paris after a night at the dungeon, having sex, strolling down to a cafe for coffee and a bakery for eclairs, then some museum-strolling, followed by a picnic and then retreating to our hotel for a quickie before dinner. After dinner, who knows? Maybe a heavy humiliation scene where I have to crawl around and lick things.
5. What would you call your autobiography?
Tales of a Happy Slave
Bonus: How does it feel to be photographed?
Usually it doesn't feel like anything for regular unkinky, fully clothed photos. If I'm getting nude photos done, or doing kinky things, it feels salacious.
My newborn babies for the first time.
2. Are you a starter or a finisher?
I'd like to say the latter, but I might be fooling myself. I generally finish most things...
3. When did your heart last ‘skip a beat’? Why?
Probably last night when my Master suddenly grabbed me and kissed me. I don't know if it actually skipped a beat or not, but I think it makes a good story.
4. What does your perfect day look like?
Waking up in Paris after a night at the dungeon, having sex, strolling down to a cafe for coffee and a bakery for eclairs, then some museum-strolling, followed by a picnic and then retreating to our hotel for a quickie before dinner. After dinner, who knows? Maybe a heavy humiliation scene where I have to crawl around and lick things.
5. What would you call your autobiography?
Tales of a Happy Slave
Bonus: How does it feel to be photographed?
Usually it doesn't feel like anything for regular unkinky, fully clothed photos. If I'm getting nude photos done, or doing kinky things, it feels salacious.
Sunday, July 8, 2018
Mixing Kink and Vanilla
Last night we went to a party which was definitely a vanilla occasion. A lot of our oldest friends were there, people Master and I met back in college. A lot of them are gaming friends. The interesting part to me is that we found out after we got involved in the kink community that several of our old friends are also. So, there are people that we run into both places. We don't bring up the dungeon or "What I saw you do last month" there, because that is a major social no-no. However, there are significant looks because it is frequently on our minds in an unspoken way. I know it's not just me.
We had a fun time at the party, although I got into playing one game that was above my paygrade, so to speak. My brain just doesn't work that way. I couldn't figure it out to save my life. I mean, the rules were simple enough, but actually doing the game was way too difficult. You had to hold all these moves in your head at the same time while you make a plan and do it relatively quickly to out maneuver the other players. I would get to about 6 and then not remember where I was going or what I'd already done. It seemed like the other people just looked at the board and knew what to do; although there were frequent mistakes at least they had some kind of idea.
We had a fun time at the party, although I got into playing one game that was above my paygrade, so to speak. My brain just doesn't work that way. I couldn't figure it out to save my life. I mean, the rules were simple enough, but actually doing the game was way too difficult. You had to hold all these moves in your head at the same time while you make a plan and do it relatively quickly to out maneuver the other players. I would get to about 6 and then not remember where I was going or what I'd already done. It seemed like the other people just looked at the board and knew what to do; although there were frequent mistakes at least they had some kind of idea.
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
That's An Order
We were out playing Pokemon yesterday, and my Master has a more combative style than I do. He likes the competition best. Well, I do too, but I sometimes try to be "nice".
We had just pulled up at a gym that was about to have a raid. You get an extra advantage in the raid if your team owns the gym when it starts and while the raid is going the team that owns it cannot be kicked out. This gym was owned by the red team and Master and I are blue. He started fighting the gym, and I looked at who was in the gym and how long they had held it (just one person, less than 5 minutes), and I said "I don't want to kick her out. I know her. I like her."
Master just said "Help me battle. That's an order".
So I shelved my objections and joined in.
How to be a Pokemon-slave, step one.
We had just pulled up at a gym that was about to have a raid. You get an extra advantage in the raid if your team owns the gym when it starts and while the raid is going the team that owns it cannot be kicked out. This gym was owned by the red team and Master and I are blue. He started fighting the gym, and I looked at who was in the gym and how long they had held it (just one person, less than 5 minutes), and I said "I don't want to kick her out. I know her. I like her."
Master just said "Help me battle. That's an order".
So I shelved my objections and joined in.
How to be a Pokemon-slave, step one.
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
TMI Tuesday
1. Picture the child you once were, what did that child do very well?
I was good with animals, good at imitating with my body- such as acting like an animal or following along the steps of an instructor in something physical like Taekwondo. I was good with my hands. Also, good at being invisible if I wanted.
2. What are you really good at now?
I'm good with animals still, and pretty much all the rest too. I haven't changed those things.
3. Did you ever expect love in return and not get it?
No, I haven't.
4. Who do you need to get in touch with because it has been so long?
I need to get in touch with my friend who I'm going to see at the end of July. Just to warn her that we'll be in the same place because I don't think she knows! I signed up for a "Wild woman" weekend rather impulsively, because it was free and we're going to learn to tie fishing flies and shoot guns or something. Not things I normally do, but what the heck.
5. What are your thoughts on this: “Every woman deserves her special day. I get that. But does it really have to cost so much fucking money? I mean, c’mon. If you’re serious about building a future with a guy, why bankrupt him?”
Maybe I'm too traditional, but don't the bride's parents pay for the special day? Mine did. I didn't bankrupt them, because they told me how much they were going to spend and it was my job to fit within that budget, including the honeymoon. Master and I had no money at all really back then, being college students. I don't think a huge wedding is a great idea, especially if you have to struggle to afford it or go into debt, and I recently read some study data that there is a trend towards the larger the wedding, the shorter the marriage. Overcompensating, maybe?
Bonus: What is your number one priority?
My Master and my kids. And myself. I get to have 4 priorities, I think.
I was good with animals, good at imitating with my body- such as acting like an animal or following along the steps of an instructor in something physical like Taekwondo. I was good with my hands. Also, good at being invisible if I wanted.
2. What are you really good at now?
I'm good with animals still, and pretty much all the rest too. I haven't changed those things.
3. Did you ever expect love in return and not get it?
No, I haven't.
4. Who do you need to get in touch with because it has been so long?
I need to get in touch with my friend who I'm going to see at the end of July. Just to warn her that we'll be in the same place because I don't think she knows! I signed up for a "Wild woman" weekend rather impulsively, because it was free and we're going to learn to tie fishing flies and shoot guns or something. Not things I normally do, but what the heck.
5. What are your thoughts on this: “Every woman deserves her special day. I get that. But does it really have to cost so much fucking money? I mean, c’mon. If you’re serious about building a future with a guy, why bankrupt him?”
Maybe I'm too traditional, but don't the bride's parents pay for the special day? Mine did. I didn't bankrupt them, because they told me how much they were going to spend and it was my job to fit within that budget, including the honeymoon. Master and I had no money at all really back then, being college students. I don't think a huge wedding is a great idea, especially if you have to struggle to afford it or go into debt, and I recently read some study data that there is a trend towards the larger the wedding, the shorter the marriage. Overcompensating, maybe?
Bonus: What is your number one priority?
My Master and my kids. And myself. I get to have 4 priorities, I think.
Monday, July 2, 2018
Kinky Camping
We did not get to go to Twisted Tryst again this year, because both of the dates conflict with our schedule, however we found a different kinky camping event to attend which was smaller, cheaper and much closer to our house, so it was basically win/win except we miss seeing some of our friends who go to Tryst.
You know how my attitude was on Thursday (previous blog) and then Friday was about a million degrees outside (ok, 97). Master was feeling really on the fence about even going because hot camping vs. sitting home in the AC wasn't looking really attractive. But we went anyway, and eventually got there even though there were some navigation problems (understatement).
We got there just as it was starting to cool off, but still in plenty of time to set up our tent before dark. Also, there was a little swimming hole, which quite pleasant for taking a dip.
The best news came that evening: Mystique, who had not been planning to go, messaged me and said she was coming up in the morning.
The mosquitoes came out bad at dusk, so Master and I retreated to our tent, where he caned me and then fucked me. I started bleeding a little bit from the cane, but that was fine. A bigger problem was that I had a medium level headache and I had to pee so I didn't get to orgasm at all. I should have got up to go use a bush and take my medicine beforehand, but it seemed like it was too late once we'd started.
I have a battery powered fan, so that made the tent quite comfortable for sleeping (I did eventually go pee and get my ibuprofen so I was able to sleep).
In the morning I woke early, had some coffee from my thermos and chatted with the one other early riser in the camp. When Master got up we showered together (one of the many benefits of a kink friendly campground) and went out to breakfast. We found a cute little diner style place that was actually inside a hotel, with good food. Their syrup and the strawberry/rhubarb jam was locally homemade/collected.
We got back to camp in time for the planning of the unconference, at which each person who wants to presents something in which they have an interest and knowledge. My Master did his flogging talk and demo. Mystique arrived during this fun and signed up to teach both a fire play safety class and later on do some fire play demos. I got to be the lucky bunny for that later one, and we did FLAMING COOTER OF DEATH/FUN once again. I may be able to share some of the pictures that were taken of that.
In the afternoon it was hot, but not as bad as we had expected. It wasn't too hot to fuck loudly in our tent in front of everyone, windows wide open.
It was an amazing weekend, and I was so glad we went kinky camping this time.
You know how my attitude was on Thursday (previous blog) and then Friday was about a million degrees outside (ok, 97). Master was feeling really on the fence about even going because hot camping vs. sitting home in the AC wasn't looking really attractive. But we went anyway, and eventually got there even though there were some navigation problems (understatement).
We got there just as it was starting to cool off, but still in plenty of time to set up our tent before dark. Also, there was a little swimming hole, which quite pleasant for taking a dip.
The best news came that evening: Mystique, who had not been planning to go, messaged me and said she was coming up in the morning.
The mosquitoes came out bad at dusk, so Master and I retreated to our tent, where he caned me and then fucked me. I started bleeding a little bit from the cane, but that was fine. A bigger problem was that I had a medium level headache and I had to pee so I didn't get to orgasm at all. I should have got up to go use a bush and take my medicine beforehand, but it seemed like it was too late once we'd started.
I have a battery powered fan, so that made the tent quite comfortable for sleeping (I did eventually go pee and get my ibuprofen so I was able to sleep).
In the morning I woke early, had some coffee from my thermos and chatted with the one other early riser in the camp. When Master got up we showered together (one of the many benefits of a kink friendly campground) and went out to breakfast. We found a cute little diner style place that was actually inside a hotel, with good food. Their syrup and the strawberry/rhubarb jam was locally homemade/collected.
We got back to camp in time for the planning of the unconference, at which each person who wants to presents something in which they have an interest and knowledge. My Master did his flogging talk and demo. Mystique arrived during this fun and signed up to teach both a fire play safety class and later on do some fire play demos. I got to be the lucky bunny for that later one, and we did FLAMING COOTER OF DEATH/FUN once again. I may be able to share some of the pictures that were taken of that.
In the afternoon it was hot, but not as bad as we had expected. It wasn't too hot to fuck loudly in our tent in front of everyone, windows wide open.
It was an amazing weekend, and I was so glad we went kinky camping this time.
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