Monday, November 12, 2018

TMI Tuesday
1. Name 3 things that most excite your imagination when you imagine doing them? (I know TMI Tuesday blog is number one, so name three other things).

Going to India.  Or Greece. Or Australia.

2. When sleeping with your significant other (yes, actually sleeping) do you like to cuddle up or do you prefer sleeping away from them nestled in your own blanket cocoon?

I like to cuddle up when it's cold.  When it's hot, then sleeping nearby and holding hands is good.  

3. Would you rather:
a. Drive 200 miles well over the legally drunk limit?
b. Drive 200 miles after being awake for 72 hours?

Either one seems like a certain death sentence to me, but I guess I'd pick the second one.  Maybe I'd fall asleep the first time I stopped for gas. I've never in my life been awake for 72 hours.  The most is about 26 hours.

4. Would you rather:
a. Be topless all the time
b. Pantless all the time

Pantless.  More easy access for the important bits. Plus I could still be wearing a skirt.  LOOPHOLE.

5. What is something you could talk about for hours?

My dogs.  I probably have, too.

Bonus: What is something you could talk about for hours and not bore people to death?

 Hahaahaa.  Which people?


  1. Interesting questions and I enjoyed reading your answers Ancilla.
    Love your answer to No 2 :)


  2. I'm noting a all guys like to cuddle while sleeping?!

    I like your answer to #5. I become overly chatty when I foster kittens. Hard not to talk about such cuteness.

    1. I'm not sure all guys like it, but maybe more often than not. Kittens are extra cute!

  3. all three countries would make fine World Cup sites. or Mexico City.

    the Scots have been getting away with that loophole with their kilts since at least the time of Mel Gibson

    HTMIT :)

    1. The problem with World Cups is the crowds. I will go in the non-cup season.


The Pink Pony Club

 In the past day I have become obsessed with this song: I can't stop listening to it, and when I do have ...