Monday, September 21, 2015

I Have Never, Ever, Ever

I got these from Ami's Star Song:  Blog link

Have you ever, ever, ever in your long-legged life...

1  Stood on top of a very high mountain or cliff, looking down at countryside, or out to sea?

Yes, I've been on several mountains, in the Rockies, the Alps and also all around Las Vegas.  We once stood and looked out over the flat where they used to explode atom bombs. 

2  Laid on your back on a hot summer's night, listening to the crickets chirping, and watching the satellites as they chase each other across the heavens?

Yes, I've done that a few times.  Looking at stars is wonderful.

3  Skinny-dipped at midnight?

No, never.  I have skinny dipped, but never at midnight.

4  Intentionally or inadvertently swum with sharks?

Well, I have been in the ocean a few times, so they were out there somewhere, but I never saw any sharks.

5  Broken a bone in your body?


6  Driven a car at speeds in excess of 120 mph? (yes, I know it's illegal, but the motorway was very quiet at the time).

The fastest I ever went was 100, I think, and that was in Montana where there was no speed limit.

7  Played "Pooh Sticks"?

Yes!  Many times.

8  Run in a "Pancake" race?

Learn something new every day!  I had never heard of a Pancake race until I looked it up.  Evidently on Shrove Tuesday people run with pancakes.

9  Had your eyelashes dyed?

Noooo. That's a thing?

10  Ridden a horse naked?

Haha, nope, not this one either. I have ridden a naked horse though (no saddle or bridle).

11  Punted down the River Cam? (or any other river)

I have never punted down anything. :( 

12  Played tennis in a short white tennis skirt whilst wearing minimal knickers?

Oh no.

13  Helped an inebriated husband up the stairs at 2 in the morning? 

Yes, I have.  Open bar, best friends' wedding reception, many years ago. I drove us back to the hotel, he flirted outrageously with the desk clerk and then I helped him up to bed.

14  Been too scared to get out of a swimming pool whilst on holiday, due to a very large Doberman sitting on the edge watching you? (no-one was around at the time)

I actually like Dobermans, and most dogs really, unless they are  trying to bite me (and sometimes even then), so that's never happened. 

15  Sat in a deckchair snoozing happily whilst the sound of leather on willow echoes distantly in your ears?

This is one of those across-the-pond questions, because I believe they are playing cricket in the picture that came with it, but am not sure.  When I last watched a cricket match I was busy tootling around Forest Park in St. Louis doing kid stuff, not snoozing happily.

16  Taken a ride on the Maid of the Mist under the Niagara Falls? 

Nope, never been there at all.

17  Climbed up something - rockface, climbing wall, rope in a sports hall, long ladder, tree - and been too scared witless to climb back down?

I have FELT too scared to come down many times, but I always made it back in the end (or I'd still be up there!).  Ladders, houses, rockfaces, you name it.

18  Been too liberal with the "Eau de Cologne" which then ran down where it shouldn't, which in turn caused you to hop madly around and rip your knickers off and throw them as far from you as you could?
LOL. No, but that's hilarious. 

19  Made snow angels?

Yes, lots of times. 

20  Lost a shoe in a ploughed field on a moonlight walk home after a party?

No, why, have you?

21  Shrieked loudly, due to being spanked hard, and frightened away a visitor/s who turned and ran back down your drive - and now you never will know who was about to knock on your door. And you are desperately hoping they will never ask...

No, our dogs prevent most drop by visitors.   

These were fun, thank you Ami!


  1. One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen was two reef sharks swimming about 60 feet below me.
    DM, master of ksst.

  2. Love your answer to you have ridden a naked horse. Lol! Great answers to them all.

    Lindy x

  3. Love your answers! I have ridden a horse many times, bare back, but actually riding naked myself is the one thing I have never done. The nearest I came was riding in a bikini when noone was around. It wasn't very comfortable as my horse had a very sharp backbone. LOL!

    You guessed right about the cricket. It is a very 'English' sport and it is lovely on a sunny afternoon to snooze happily whilst all the men zoom around after the ball! LOL!

    I swam with sharks, once on purpose and once inadvertently, in the Indian Ocean whilst on holiday. It was an amazing experience. The ones in the picture were the ones I swam with on purpose - they were smallish sharks and only interested in a shoal of fish I was swimming around trying to photograph. But a huge scary shark swam near me on a swim one night - luckily wasn't interested in coming too close - and it has since made me a little more reticent.

    I am soooo glad you have played Pooh Sticks! Such a brilliant game! LOL!

    Thank you so much for joining in the fun!


  4. Love your answers! I have ridden a horse many times, bare back, but actually riding naked myself is the one thing I have never done. The nearest I came was riding in a bikini when noone was around. It wasn't very comfortable as my horse had a very sharp backbone. LOL!

    You guessed right about the cricket. It is a very 'English' sport and it is lovely on a sunny afternoon to snooze happily whilst all the men zoom around after the ball! LOL!

    I swam with sharks, once on purpose and once inadvertently, in the Indian Ocean whilst on holiday. It was an amazing experience. The ones in the picture were the ones I swam with on purpose - they were smallish sharks and only interested in a shoal of fish I was swimming around trying to photograph. But a huge scary shark swam near me on a swim one night - luckily wasn't interested in coming too close - and it has since made me a little more reticent.

    I am soooo glad you have played Pooh Sticks! Such a brilliant game! LOL!

    Thank you so much for joining in the fun!



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