Wednesday, August 24, 2016

After Camp

On the way back from camp, instead of driving through Chicago Sunday afternoon madness, we took the ferry across Lake Michigan.  This was like adding another vacation to our vacation because it was so different and fun.  First we had a long wait in the port town, which we spend enjoyably exploring and playing (Pokemon) in the park together.   The park is right on the lake shore, full of sculptures and really beautiful.  The ferry ride was fun for a while, and then we had naps. Master slept for about an hour on the floor of the lounge.  We got home late, about 2 am.

In the morning we were expecting S. to come by to pick up the St. Andrews Cross before the kids and inlaws arrived.   Master decided we could use it one more time before then, so he buckled me into cuffs and flogged and whipped me.  He took me upstairs and we had some insanely hot and intense fucking.  I don't remember details, just that it was very powerful.  There was a lot of energy flying around.  I was once again his prey.

The rest of the day I spent unloading the car and putting things away, cleaning up camping crap.

The inlaws and kids arrived late in the evening, and it was really good to see them again.  I missed my kids! 

The inlaws stays a couple days, of course we introduced them to Pokemon Go, then they headed out and I finally felt able to relax after camp.  I wrote all those stories about Tryst, obsessively read other peoples posted camp adventures, wrote emails to people I'd played with or talked to at camp and perved the pictures that were released.   I was trying to hang on to a bit of that feeling still.  

Master had to work all day Saturday, and since they were having an open house I went to visit him.  He was making tongue depressor art using the surgical laser!  Most of them were pets' names, or for kids with their own names.  When everyone had cleared out of the room but him and me he made me this:

Look at the cute little trophy!

It gave me all the squishy romantic feels a slavegirl could ever want!


  1. That is amazing! Who says girls was hearts and flowers? :)


The Pink Pony Club

 In the past day I have become obsessed with this song: I can't stop listening to it, and when I do have ...