Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Day in the Life

Because so many people ask "What is the daily life of a slave?" I'm doing a little round up of today's excitement.

At 5:00 I got up with Master and made his tea and breakfast (sausage, bread, grapes).  He got the grapes and bread, really, I just did the sausage and tea.   We chatted a tiny bit before he left for work.  I asked if it was ok if I helped Mystique today.

I got the kids ready and off to school.  I stripped all the beds and started doing laundry.  I let dogs out, then back in, then more dogs out.   

I swept and vacuumed the downstairs part of the house.  Then read some things on the internet.  I switched over the laundry.   I loaded and ran the dishwasher.

I got the dogs to come back inside and gave them all their heartworm preventive. 

I had a shower.

I stopped by the hospital (again!) but briefly around 10:30.

I helped Mystique move some stuff out of her house.  Then we went to Fleet Farm together where I bought mosquito larvae killer,  dog food and the fence posts that Master will need to fix a fence this weekend.   

I thought about buying some probiotics but realized I should ask Master first.  

Then it was 1:00 and I dropped her off at her place and headed home to eat lunch. During lunch I talked to Master on FB very briefly but he had to zip off back to work without answering any of my questions.

 After lunch I finished up the laundry, made the beds and folded all the clothes.  

I emptied the dishwasher.

I unloaded the dog food and fence posts (4x4x8 treated lumber) from the car and then stomped around in the woods adding the mosquito killer to both ponds.   It is supposed to only kill their larvae and not any good insects or amphibians.   If we had fish it would safe for them too.  I managed not to get any ticks (I got one tick) or get stung by nettles.

Next I need to work one of the dogs and finish mowing the lawn, which I started yesterday.   We have maybe 1-2 acres of lawn. 

Then the kids will be home and I'll make dinner.  Perhaps I'll do a few more things around the house.  Or maybe not. 

Maybe I'll have a nap.


  1. What a delightful existence my dear. Really! Congratulations!

  2. Thank you for sharing! It sounds a lot like my life. :)


The Pink Pony Club

 In the past day I have become obsessed with this song: I can't stop listening to it, and when I do have ...