Sunday, January 4, 2015

Demo Munch

Yesterday was our monthly munch, and since our leader Mystique was sick, she put Master in charge of leading the group, with me as his helper.  It didn't take much this time, mostly a willingness to talk in front of a group (which I don't have- I have stage fright about speaking).  Master had fun with it though.  He used me as his prop.  (I got introduced as a thing!  Hot! I know, I'm weird).

 It was a show and tell munch, so he talked about how he trained me to orgasm on command, and he demo'd that.  Let me tell you, I don't know that anything beats the humiliation of everyone watching that!  Gaaaah!  Ok, some things are worse, but I did want to hide behind him.  He didn't let me.  

It was fun though.  A bunch of other people demo'd their favorite kinky things as well.

We went to dinner with the group afterward, and then later at home Master hit me with his belt, and fucked me, doggy style, one hand on my collar tight held and spanking me with the other.  After that, he beat on me for a long time using only the misery stick. 

 He did the ladder trick - you know that one, right?

That is where he starts at one, then does one, two (each number gets a whack) then one, two, three, and so on up the ladder.  He told me we were going all the way up to twenty on the ladder.  Then once you are at the top of the ladder, you have to climb back down. 

  It hurt pretty good, especially when he beat my calves.   I was wondering why in the world I'd ever asked for a spanking (I did!) until afterward when I was flying high, and then I remembered why. 

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