Tuesday, June 21, 2016

TMI Tuesday

1. You are looking at your lover. You say, “I’d love to _____ .”

I'd love to suck your cock.  That always makes him happy to hear, even if he didn't want to have it sucked right at that moment.
  2. In a chat with your best female friend you say, “You look really sexy when you wear _____ .”

When you wear nothing at all.  :) I don't think she would believe me, but it's true.

  3. Name the one piece of lingerie you would love to see a man wear.

Silk boxers.  Very sexy.  
  4. I wish I did more _____ in bed.

 Being tied down completely- hands and feet.   I love it all the time. 
  5. I absolutely LOVE when you kiss my _____ .

Mouth.  Also, neck, shoulders, wrist, fingers.

Bonus: Tell us your favorite sexual memory of you and your current or most recent lover.

Most recently it was probably the face fucking.  There were other times, but they are are more distant.  Slapping my face.  Fucking my mouth.  All the things he says to me, "cockwhore" etc.  Marvelous. 

See the other TMI Tuesday blogs or participate:  https://tmituesdayblog.wordpress.com/


  1. I love dirty talk! And there's nothing sexier than a woman who articulates her desires (#1).


The Pink Pony Club

 In the past day I have become obsessed with this song:  https://youtu.be/GR3Liudev18 I can't stop listening to it, and when I do have ...