Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Big Bang

We are currently watching Big Bang Theory on DVD.

 My Master found it amusing to do "smack smack smack, Penny, smack smack smack. Penny, smack smack smack. Penny" on my butt with a paddle last night.  

I still don't know when I got those mystery bruises (some days ago, perhaps a paddle, is my speculation), but I have several new belt marks that I remember quite clearly getting last night.  

In other news, my job is somewhat up in the air.  They seem to have let me go, in the most roundabout, rude and unprofessional manner, without even telling my Master directly, and he is considering it an insult to himself that they handled it that way.    We are not exactly sure what is going on, as his boss would not answer when asked directly, but the office manager says my work has been fine, and that is not the issue.  She is as baffled as we are. 


  1. Rgh, what is with people and the firing in unprofessional manner and without giving a reason!?
    As someone who is still confused about being fired by text and given no reason, I feel for you.
    Hope everything works out okay.

  2. Did you saw that episode on big bang theory where sheldon spanked Amy?


The Pink Pony Club

 In the past day I have become obsessed with this song: I can't stop listening to it, and when I do have ...