Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sunday Weigh In

I have lost a couple pounds this week.  Yay me!  

I have a bunch of kinky stuff write about too, but not much time for thinking.  I need to make some pies instead.   I'll just say that the backs of my thighs are all marked up again from a caning, reminding me every time I sit down. 


  1. yay, pleased for you, with all that walking you do, you put me to shame!

    i should exercise more.

    the pics on Fetlife were of that caning wasn' they?


    1. Yes, I should really do a post on that too, but I'm distractable today!

      Oooh, shiny!

    2. lol

      I do enjoy your posts of the times you play with others, they really have piqued my interest in going back and doing it again, its odd because although we still see the odd couple here and there i preferred it when it was more people, an event etc...which blimey we havent done for..must be near on 6 years....he lost interest in it!


It's been three years

  It's been three years, which seems both like a lifetime and a blink of an eye.  I still feel the heavy weight of the unfairness that a...